Modern Teaching Methods by Wow Essays
Let’s talk about the traditional educational system. Modern teaching methods by wowessays can rarely be found in its corresponding institutions. Still, as for private schools, training centers, and other similar organizations, new methods appear in their activities more and more often. You will learn why these methods are attributed to greater effectiveness than traditional methods in this lesson. But in addition to the advantages, we will also mention the main disadvantages of innovative methods, to which you should pay just as much attention.
To begin with, we note that modern methods of teaching, in contrast to traditional methods, are characterized by somewhat different signs, namely:
- Modern teaching methods already in the development process are adapted to a specific pedagogical intent. The development is based on a specific methodological and philosophical view of the author
- Technological sequence of actions, operations, and interactions is based on targets, representing a clear expected result
The implementation of the methods involves the related activities of teachers and students, which has a contractual basis and takes into account the principles of differentiation and individualization and the optimal use of human and technical potential. Communication and dialogues must be mandatory components
- Pedagogical methods are planned in stages and implemented consistently. Besides, they have to be feasible for any teacher but guarantee the achievement of the set goal for each student
- An indispensable component of methods is diagnostic procedures that contain the necessary tools, indicators, and criteria to measure the results of students’ activities
Modern methods of education, in many cases, may not have a psychological and pedagogical foundation, for which reason it is difficult to classify them in a unified way. But this does not prevent not only their use in learning activities but also does not have any significant impact on the success of this application.
Modern teaching methods
1. Lecture
A lecture is an oral form of information transmission in which visual aids are used.
The advantages of a lecture are that students are guided through large amounts of information, a large number of students are usually present in class, and the teacher can easily control the content and consistency of his presentation.
The disadvantages of the lecture include the fact that there is no feedback from students, no opportunity to consider their initial level of knowledge and skills, and classes are rigidly dependent on schedules and timetables.
2. Seminar
A workshop is a collaborative discussion between a teacher and students about the studied issues and how to solve certain problems.
The advantage of the seminar is the opportunity for the teacher to consider and monitor the students’ knowledge and skills and connect the seminar topic to the students’ experience.
The disadvantages of the workshop are the small number of students in the class and the requirement that the teacher have high communication skills.
3. Training
Training is such a teaching method, the basis of which is the practical side of the pedagogical process, and the theoretical aspect has only secondary importance.
The main and main disadvantage of training is that students must be accompanied and supported at the end of it; otherwise, the acquired skills and abilities will be lost.
4. Modular training
Modular learning breaks learning information into several relatively independent parts called modules. Each of the modules implies different goals and methods of presenting the information.
The positive characteristics of the modular teaching method are its selectivity, flexibility, and the possibility to rearrange its components — modules.
The disadvantages are that the learning material may be learned in a disjointed way and become incoherent. Also, the logical connection of information modules can be lost, so the knowledge will be fragmented.
5. Distance learning
Distance learning refers to telecommunications in the pedagogical process, which allows a teacher to educate students while being away from them at a great distance.
The positive characteristics of the method are the ability to involve a large number of students, the possibility of learning at home, the ability of students to choose the most appropriate time for classes, and the ability to transfer the results of the learning process to various electronic media.
The disadvantages here are high requirements for technical equipment for the pedagogical process, the lack of visual contact between the teacher and the student, and, as a consequence, reduced motivation on the part of the latter.
6. Value Guidance
The value orientation method instills values in the students and introduces them to social and cultural traditions and rules. Tools reflecting these rules and traditions are also usually used in the process.
The positive characteristic of value orientation is its facilitation of students’ adaptation to real-life conditions and the requirements of society or activities.
The weak point of the method is expressed in the fact that the student if the teacher embellished any points, may be disappointed in the information received when confronted with the actual state of affairs.
7. Case Study
The case-study method is based on a full examination and analysis of situations that may occur in the field of knowledge and activity studied by students.
The advantage of this method is that it allows for an effective discussion of the situation and the problems it presents, compares the objects of study with the student’s previous experience, and creates a high level of motivation in the students.
However, the method is complicated by high requirements for the organization of the discussion (otherwise, it may take significantly more time to analyze the situation understudy); all participants must be competent in the area to which the situation relates, and the teacher must be highly qualified to achieve the pedagogical goals set.
As an illustration of how this method is applied in practice and how it can be used to develop and train different skills, we suggest solving a case that teaches planning and working with flexible and hard tasks.
8. Coaching
Coaching (in its more common form, mentoring) is the individual or collective management of teachers or more experienced students by less experienced students, adapting them to their personal development and comprehension of knowledge and skills on the topic under study.
The coaching process is useful because it introduces students to the field of study with maximum impact, increases their motivation, develops cognitive interest, and builds unique skills and abilities.
But the coaching method has one complicating point — selecting educators (in this case, coaches) requires that they have the highest possible communication, personal, and professional skills and qualities.
9. Role-plays
The point of role-playing is for students to perform assigned roles under conditions that meet the objectives of the game created within the topic or subject under study.
Role-plays enhance students’ reflection, improve their understanding of other people’s motives, and reduce the number of common mistakes made in real-life situations.
However, role-playing cannot reveal the underlying motives that motivate people to make decisions in life and professional activities.
10. Business Game
The essence of the business game method is to simulate all kinds of situations or features of the sides of the activity that relates to the topic or discipline being studied.
Business games are distinguished because they provide an opportunity to conduct a comprehensive study of a problem, prepare ways to solve it, and apply them. Thanks, business games significantly reduce the number of mistakes made in real life.
Disadvantages of the method include the need to necessarily create a scenario of the game, the requirement for the highest qualification of the teacher about the situation, and the need to possess high communication skills.
11. Action by Example
The essence of the method comes down to the demonstration of a behavioral model, which is an example of behavior, task performance, and imitation in the area being mastered. Once students are familiar with the model, they practice it.
Action on the model is interesting because it corresponds to specific situations within the studied topic and takes into account the individual characteristics of students.
But it should be remembered that in the process of applying the method, the students’ activity can be influenced by negative attitudes related to the trainer’s personality but not related to the content of the method.
12. Creative groups
Creative groups consist mainly of educators who are specialists in different disciplines and are involved in developing methods to improve the pedagogical process of teaching a particular discipline. Often the students themselves are formed into a creative group to find ways to solve problems and problems.
Creative groups have the advantage of allowing students to work independently and develop decision-making skills.
But the disadvantage may be that if the group leader makes the wrong decision, it may cause a negative reaction from the rest of the group or result in decreased productivity.
13. Dealing with blockages
The rubble removal method consists of modeling situations, which often occur in real life and are characterized by a large amount of work, and developing the most effective ways of solving tasks resulting from such situations.
On the positive side, the presented method is distinguished by students’ high motivation, active participation in solving problems, and the impact that develops analytical skills and systemic thinking.
The disadvantage is that students must have at least the basic skills and abilities to solve the problems posed.
14. Working in pairs
Based on the requirements of the paired work method, one student pairs up with another, thereby ensuring that he or she receives feedback and evaluation from the outside as he or she learns a new activity. As a rule, both parties have equal rights.
Working in pairs is good because it allows the student to get an objective assessment of his or her performance and understand his or her shortcomings. In addition, communication skills are developed.
The disadvantage is the possibility of difficulties because of the personal incompatibility of partners.
15. The method of reflection
The method of reflection involves creating the necessary conditions for students to independently reflect on the material and develop their ability to take an active research position to the material being studied. The pedagogical process is carried out through the students’ performance of tasks with a systematic check of the results of their activity, during which mistakes, difficulties, and the most successful solutions are noted.
But there are also disadvantages: the scope of students’ activities representing the problems of the topic or discipline they are studying is limited, and acquisition and refinement occur exclusively by experience, i.e., through trial and error.
16. The use of information and computer technology
The essence of the presented method is clear from the name — in the pedagogical process, modern hi-tech means of information transfer are applied, such as computers, laptops, digital projectors, etc. The information mastered by students is presented in combination with visual and symbolic data (videos, graphs, etc.), and the object, phenomenon, or process being studied can be shown in dynamics.
The advantage of the method is that the demonstration of educational material can be dynamic, individual elements of the material or the entire material can be repeated at any time, the teacher can provide students with copies of the material, and thus there is no need for special conditions for subsequent studies, such as in the classroom or classroom.
And separately, as a stand-alone method, special educational simulators should be mentioned.