Tips for Studying in College | Wow College Essay

Vicki Mata
4 min readMar 15, 2021


If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you’re close to making a critical decision: what to study in college. Still haven’t made up your mind? Don’t worry, it happens. After all, we are talking about one of the most crucial decisions of your adult life.

First of all, take it easy, take a breath and follow these tips by wowessay will help you define what to study.

1. Take a personal test

Go to a place that feels comfortable to you. It can be your room, the garden, or the library of your school, and start writing a list of your qualities on a sheet of paper.

Be sure to ask yourself questions like:

  • What am I good at?
  • What do I like to do best?
  • Where do I want to work?
  • How much money do I want to make?

Also, think about all those activities you usually do that you are talented at. For example, if you typically help keep your family’s accounts, then a career in Administration or Accounting would be a good option for you; if you are a perfectionist and like to evaluate the quality of what you consume, you can think about a career in Industrial Engineering.

If you analyze yourself carefully, you will determine your strengths and create a list of careers that fit your talents.

2. Set your goals

The critical question here is: how do you see yourself after college?

If you have already taken a career test, it will help you determine what you want to do in the future. What are your career aspirations? Do you prefer office jobs, or do you like outdoor jobs? Do you want to own your own business?

Remember that your career is a means for you to achieve your goals, so you need to align the two.

3. Do as much research as you can

Once you determine what you’re good at and what you like to do, you probably already have a few careers in mind. So, now what’s next is to find out a little more about each of them and the universities that offer them.

To achieve this, the Internet is your best option, but also don’t forget that many universities organize fairs and offer the opportunity to visit their facilities. Take advantage of these opportunities to find out which curriculum appeals to you the most.

Also, be sure to check out the graduate profiles to see if you see yourself pursuing that career.

The message is simple: get informed and ask questions.

You can find groups of students and graduates of the careers you are interested in on social networks and find out first-hand about their experiences. It will help you have a clearer perspective on what to study.

4. Consider the length of the career

You must know how much time you will spend studying and not affect your plans.

It does not mean that you give up on a career you like just because its duration is a little longer than you expected, but that you do your research beforehand so that you can adjust your life plan a little better.

5. Consider the job opportunities offered by the careers.

It is always good to analyze the job market and the opportunities offered by the university careers that catch your attention.

After all, it is worth knowing what kind of jobs you will apply for when you graduate and what the current demand is for professionals in your chosen career.

Of course, if you want to start your own business, it’s also important to research beforehand whether the skills your degree will give you are helpful for an entrepreneur. That can make all the difference in the future!

6. Seek advice

If you’re still having trouble making a decision, talk to your school counselor or a career counselor about your concerns; they can help you find the right path.

It’s also a good idea to ask them to help you take a vocational test (if you haven’t already done so), which will give you an idea of what careers are suitable for you.

Please make the most of these conversations; they may also offer you colleges you should consider!

7. Don’t forget that it’s your decision

Please don’t choose a career simply because someone else rates it as the best option for you. It is your decision. You are the one who will study, take the exams, and practice that career professionally after several years of preparation.

Always listen to anyone who wants to help you, but don’t let them decide what is best for your future.

At the same time, please don’t choose a career simply because it’s trendy or because your friends decided it and you want to follow them. That is the perfect recipe for failure. Everyone has their combination of skills and interests, so don’t follow anyone else! Create your path!

The important thing is that you like your career and that you don’t abandon it halfway through because you finally realized that you hadn’t chosen it for yourself.

And that’s it! Those were seven tips that will help you choose what to study in college.

This step can be terrifying (at the end of the day, it’s an important decision), but don’t stress yourself unnecessarily. Create a plan of action and execute it little by little.

Of course, everything we mentioned in this article (analyzing your skills, determining your goals, thoroughly researching the options you like, knowing the length of the terms beforehand, etc.) are things that can’t be done overnight, so start now! Don’t leave such an important decision to the last minute!



Vicki Mata
Vicki Mata

Written by Vicki Mata

I started writing in 2013. Since then, I tried my hand in copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer at

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